Combat Camera Pacific
The State Funeral of former President Ronald Reagan
040609-N-6501M-001 Simi Valley, Calif. (Jun. 9, 2004) – Ceremonial Guardsmen escort the flag-draped casket of former President Ronald Reagan at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif. Reagan’s body will be flown to Washington, D.C., where it will lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda. A state funeral will be conducted late Friday morning at the Washington National Cathedral, where President Bush will give the eulogy. On Friday, June 11, President Reagan’s body will return to Calif., for a private burial service. U.S. Navy photo by Chief Photographer’s Mate Edward G. Martens (RELEASED)
I had the honor of being part of a team who was specially selected to cover the State Funeral of former President Ronald Reagan was indeed a highlight in my Navy career. I will never forget this opportunity of being a part of such a historical event. In June of 2004, Navy Combat Camera Group Pacific was tasked to cover the portion of this event that took place California. The former President’s casket and family were flown in on Air Force One, landing at Naval Air Station Point Mugu. From there they were driven by motorcade to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library located in Simi Valley where the former President’s casket was on display to the public, allowing mourners to pay their respects.
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040611-N-6501M-023 Point Mugu, Calif. (Jun. 11, 2004) – The Presidential funeral motorcade prepares to depart the flight line of Naval Station Ventura County with the casket of former President Ronald W. Reagan after it was unloaded from the VC-25 Special Airlift Mission (SAM) 28000 747 aircraft. The casket will then be transported to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library for the sunset internment service in his honor. The observance concludes a weeklong state funeral services for Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States who passed away on June 5th, 2004. This 180-degree panorama was assembled from 12 separate digital images to create one photo illustration.
U.S. Navy photo illustration by Chief Photographer’s Mate Edward G. Martens (RELEASED)
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